Wednesday, August 26, 2009

September Book Reviews

Have you read a great book? Tell us about it here so we can read it too! Make your review exciting so we will want to read it! Tell us your name, the name and author of the book, what it's mainly about, and why we should read it! To get started, click COMMENT below.

Our class read a book called How to be Cool in Third Grade. It's about a boy named Robbie. Robbie is old enough to know that surviving school depends on one very important thing: knowing what's cool. But what is cool in the third grade? he asks himself. He's got some ideas. Cool is a grown-up name like "Rob" instead of "Robbie." Cool is walking to the bus stop by yourself, and not having your mother there with a camera and a kiss goodbye. Find out how else to be cool and if Rob is able to achieve his goals!

1 comment:

Constantine's kid said...

summary of meteor boy

in this book,this boy named the story all the students are playing a game called dogeball.

first the man named cannonball was the first person to pick the players on his team, after he finshed picking his team his boy named losbert boy he thought that cannonball was going to pick him but, he didn't pick lobsbert boy.

when they got to fight each other bubble girl was going to the wrong way then cannonball came hurling up and hit bubble girl, afrter bubble girl got hit, alot of bubbles came and everbody was floating up the gym.