Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December Book Reviews

Have you read a great book this holiday? Tell us about it here so we can read it too! Make your review exciting so we will want to read it! Tell us your name, your school, the name and author of the book, what it's mainly about, and why we should read it! To get started, click COMMENT below.


Constantine's kid said...

Hi,I am Bailey.I read a good book named The Doll People.It is about a girl named Annabelle and she lives with her brother Bobby,her nanny,her mom,her dad and her uncle and they are dolls but can talk,they came do anything a human can but, are dolls.So, read it and see.

Constantine's kid said...

hi,i'm Kaitlyn i'm the book i'm bloging for is called Hold on Tight is when hannah montana forgets the national anthym and the crow goes wild!

Constantine's kid said...

Hi,I am Ethan. I read a book called
Harry and Chicken. It is a good book.The book is about a cat that is a alien and Chicken is trying to
hide Harry from her mother.

Constantine's kid said...

Hi, I'm Youjung.
I read Junie B Firstgrader.
Author is Denise Brunkus.
I like that book.
Becase, It's fun.
And there is May.
Junie B and May is aways fighting.
I think May is little bit mean.

Constantine's kid said...

Hi my name is Nishanth,read the book Dairy of a whimpy kid (2 Rodrick rules).It's a book about Gregory dosn't like is brother Rodrick.get that bookand figure out why Gregory is mad of Rodrick.

Constantine's kid said...

Hi im Turner the best book I have read so far is goosebumps Say Cheese And Die it`s about a boy who steels a?get it and find out what he steels.

Constantine's kid said...

Hi my name is Jaden the best book I've read is dragons slayers acadamy it's about wiglaf saw the dragon when they went threw the cave.

Constantine's kid said...

Hi my name is Douglas I read a book called Kick off It's about two
kids name tiki Barber and ronde Barber. There favorite Sport is Football.They have to Move.they are not Happy because they will lose there friends. they are happy
because the schools Football team is the best.They think they will
not make the team.Will they make the team?Will they like the school?
read the book to find out.

Constantine's kid said...

hi,I am Kobe The kingdom keepers is a good book because the mysteries are so interesting.The sad thing is that Finn kep getting hit by th eltrical fence.I want to tell you some of the sence.Finn eltriccuted with walt disney;s first pen.finn got attacked by some toy dolls.


Constantine's kid said...

Hi, I am Kobe.
I am going to teach you about a book called diary of a wimpy kid.It is about a kid name gregory and he is in middle school.he touch the stinky brought on to the next grade.

by , kobe

Constantine's kid said...

Finn Whitman auditions to be a DHI [disney hologram interactive]... and when he does he gets crossed over half DHI, half human to Magic Kingdom he finds himself in a mission to stop the overtakers from taking over Magic Kingdom and maybe the world. He meets a guy named Wayne who shows Finn and the other DHIs an apartmentthat is safe. The DHIs find a tee-pee on Tom Sawyer Island that is safe as well.Malefecent...[the witch from Sleeping Beauty]finds the tee-pee and tries to capture the DHIs multipule times. Amanda's sister Jess gets put under a spell by Malefecent and changes to Jez and is set free when Finn's DHI follows her body and stays in its outline.